How to Generate Demand On LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the go-to platform for B2B marketing. When used correctly, it can be a powerful tool for generating leads and building your brand. But how do you ensure your demand generation campaign on LinkedIn is as successful as possible? Here’s a look at some of the best practices we implement for our clients to run a successful demand-generation campaign.

Develop Strategic Goals and Objectives

Before starting any demand generation campaign, you need to have clear goals. What are you hoping to accomplish with this campaign? Are you looking to increase brand awareness or generate more leads? Having well-defined goals will help guide your approach and ensure your efforts aren’t scattered. When we work with our clients at Influent, we want to get narrow with our goals. What does success look like when the campaign wraps? What do you envision business looking like after we run this campaign? We can set specific goals and objectives for our demand generation strategy from here.

You Can’t Forget the Importance of Creating Compelling Content

Content is king when it comes to demand generation on LinkedIn. You must create content your target audience can relate to, engage with, and share with their networks. That means making relevant, timely, informative, and entertaining content. Leverage visuals such as images, GIFs, or videos whenever possible, as these tend to perform even better than plain text-based posts. This is why we run content and demand generation campaigns in parallel for many of our clients. When creating demand and getting eyes on your page, it’s important to have valuable content your target audience can engage with.

Engagement With Your Target Audience Is Also Important

Engagement is also a massive factor in demand generation – you need to actively engage with other users to get them interested in what you have to say (and what you have to offer). Spend time responding to comments on your posts, answering questions in relevant groups, liking other people’s posts, and connecting with potential leads one-on-one. This will show potential customers that you are invested in engaging with them and not just trying to sell them something.

Demand generation campaigns can be incredibly effective when done correctly – especially on platforms like LinkedIn, where there is a built-in network of professionals who could benefit from what your company offers. By setting strategic goals and objectives from the outset and creating compelling content that speaks directly to the needs of your target audience (and engaging with them), you can ensure that your demand generation campaigns are successful every time!

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